4 Ways Probiotics Help Treat Ulcerative Colitis

4 Ways Probiotics Help Treat Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis, characterized by persistent inflammation that primarily begins in the rectum, manifests through symptoms such as irritation, cramps, bloody diarrhea, swelling, and the formation of ulcers in the inner lining of the large intestine and rectum. While traditional treatment approaches for this condition include pharmaceutical interventions like Entyvio, Zeposia, Stelara, and Xeljanz, as well as surgical options, incorporating probiotics into the daily diet offers a complementary strategy. Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria, can play a significant role in enhancing gut health and potentially mitigating some symptoms of ulcerative colitis. This introduction delves into the supportive role probiotics can play alongside these medications in managing the condition. 1. Lower the frequency of flare-ups Ulcerative colitis is a condition that relapses and causes flare-ups. To restrict the occurrence of these flare-ups, maintenance treatment is undertaken via medicines and the addition of probiotics. Foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented foods provide good bacteria to the intestine, restoring bacterial balance and reducing flare-ups. Furthermore, probiotics help lower symptoms associated with the disease. 2. Devoid of any serious side effects Probiotics are microorganisms that bear similarity to microbes naturally existing in the human body, keeping the body healthy and active. This makes using probiotics a safe option to rehabilitate the natural balance of the bacteria present along the gut.
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Foods That Help Manage Overactive Bladder

Foods That Help Manage Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder (OAB) can cause discomfort and embarrassment, among other issues. Unfortunately, it is a common problem, and in fact, about 40% of women and 30% of men are diagnosed with OAB in the country? Aside from medications, there are various foods that can help manage OAB; here are some of them given below. Foods to Help Manage an Overactive Bladder 1. Non-acidic fruits and vegetables While fruits and vegetables are generally considered healthy, acidic fruits and veggies can irritate the bladder and make the condition worse. Avoid these and pick up non-acidic and safe fruits and vegetables that can keep you healthy and strong. Bananas, apples, pears, all kinds of berries, cruciferous vegetables, peppers, asparagus, carrots, and celeries are examples of foods you should have. 2. Healthy spices Spicy foods can also trigger the symptoms of an overactive bladder and make the condition worse. Stick to foods that don’t use a lot of chilies. You can use spices like the ones given below to add flavor to your food without having to depend on chilies. Examples are: Cinnamon, herbs like mint, coriander, rosemary, and thyme, black pepper, ginger, and garlic 3. Fiber-rich foods Some studies show that people who have OAB have a higher risk of developing constipation regularly.
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7 Super Herbs With Antiviral Properties

7 Super Herbs With Antiviral Properties

Herbs have been known for their amazing nutrients and properties for a very long time now. Different kinds of herbs are used in food preparations and in preparing herbal medicines. Some herbs are exclusively popular for their immunity boosting qualities and can also be used as cold and flu superfoods. Some of the herbs with amazing antiviral properties are mentioned below. 1. Oregano This particular herb falls in the family of mint and is loaded with medicinal properties. Carvacrol present in oregano also has antiviral properties. This herb can be used in various forms such as oregano oil, dried form, etc, and it can fight against respiratory infections in people. 2. Basil A very popular herb that can be used as a cold and flu superfood, basil is a versatile herb and packed with great properties. Several viral infections can be kept at bay with basil as a part of the diet plant. Basil is an immunity booster and helps in fighting against health issues such as enterovirus and hepatitis B. 3. Lemon balm Lemon balm is mostly used in the form of seasonings and also in teas. Also, lemon balm is used for making herbal medicines. The antiviral features of this herb can be used to fight against HIV-1 and bird flu.
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8 Toxic Human Foods for Cats and Dogs

8 Toxic Human Foods for Cats and Dogs

While there are some commercial pet foods, several pet owners love to feed home cooked meals to their furry friends. But remember that some food items that are perfectly safe for human beings can be poisonous to dogs and cats. When you are making decisions about foods for dogs and cats, you should avoid the following food items. 1. Alcohol If you have a curious pet at home, you should not leave any alcohol spill unattended. Ignorantly licking spilled alcohol from the floor or countertops might end up being a fatal. Ethanol can lead to serious complications in animals and can even send some pets to coma. 2. Avocados These are tricky plants to grow in a house with pets. The avocado pit is the most harmful part for dogs, and they can also cause choking. Persin in this fruit is what makes it one of the worst foods for dogs and cats. The fruit and leaves also have small amounts of this ingredient. It would be a better idea to ensure that your pet does not munch on avocado leaves lying beneath the tree. 3. Hops If you have the habit of brewing fresh beer at home, you might perhaps have hops stocked up.
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5 Foods To Avoid With Osteoporosis

5 Foods To Avoid With Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a medical condition where bones become weak and fragile from the damage and loss of tissue. Osteoporosis is mostly brought about by hormonal changes and calcium or vitamin D deficiency. There are no recognizable symptoms in the initial stages, but as the bones weaken, individuals may experience back pain because of a fractured vertebrae or stooped posture. Over time, height loss may occur, and bones will break more easily than normal. In addition to utilizing doctor-prescribed medications and physical therapies to treat this condition, there are several foods to avoid if you have osteoporosis: 1. Caffeine The National Osteoporosis Foundation states that drinking more than three cups of coffee or tea per day reduces calcium absorption and leads to bone loss. A diet containing high amounts of caffeine through coffee, chocolate, and energy and soft drinks increases the amount of calcium lost in the urine. This causes an imbalance between the intake of calcium and calcium loss. Though tea also contains caffeine, it also contains flavonoids that benefit your bones more than it harms them. Try opting for decaffeinated iced tea or hot tea, decaffeinated coffee, or herbal tea. 2. Nightshade vegetables Tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, eggplant and white potatoes (in the nightshade vegetable family) can cause bone inflammation.
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4 Foods To Strictly Avoid With Diabetes

4 Foods To Strictly Avoid With Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. It primarily manifests in two forms: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder where the pancreas fails to produce insulin, a crucial hormone for utilizing glucose as energy. Conversely, type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the body’s response to insulin is impaired, leading to high blood sugar levels. The typical symptoms of diabetes are intense thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. To manage diabetes, various treatments are employed, such as medication, insulin therapy, and dietary modifications. For type 2 diabetes, common medications include Metformin, which decreases glucose production in the liver, and empagliflozin, which helps the kidneys remove glucose from the bloodstream. Additionally, individuals with diabetes should be mindful of their diet, avoiding certain foods that can exacerbate their condition, such as the following: 1. Honey or maple syrup Honey and maple syrup are considered natural sweeteners because they contain fructose, which is a simple sugar. Since the body breaks down all sugars in similar ways, it doesn’t matter whether you consume glucose or fructose, since both will raise blood sugar levels. When the blood sugar levels rise, the body releases insulin to aid in the uptake of glucose.
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4 Foods That Reduce Risk Of Prostate Cancer

4 Foods That Reduce Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer forms in the prostate gland, which is the walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis. The prostate is responsible for producing fluid to protect sperm. This type of cancer is most common in older men, but it can occur at any age. Even though the chances of developing prostate cancer increases with age; race, eating habits, and family history can also contribute to prostate cancer development. Many factors reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer, including diet and lifestyle changes like exercise. Consuming a healthy diet, rich in the following foods, can also decrease the risk of prostate cancer: 1. Cruciferous vegetables There are many different types of cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. These vegetables contain diindolylmethane (DIM), which helps control estrogen levels and metabolism, reducing prostate cancer risk. It also boosts the immune system, which supports a healthy body. Eat more of these vegetables to reduce your risk of prostate cancer, as well as other types of cancer. You can steam them or eat raw in salads with oil-based dressings low in fat to get the most nutritional value from broccoli, Brussel sprouts, etc. 2. Avocados Avocados are good for you because they contain healthy monounsaturated fat.
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5 Foods Linked To Breathing Issues including Asthma and COPD

5 Foods Linked To Breathing Issues including Asthma and COPD

Allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can all contribute to symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and strained breathing. Whether these symptoms are severe and chronic or simply annoying, they commonly involve the immune system reacting to a certain substance in the wrong way. With 70% of the body’s immune system tied to the gut, diet may be a path to relief for children and adults suffering from breathing issues. Common treatments like Spariva, Flovent and Advair are often prescribed to help with airflow. Below are five common foods that might trigger breathing problems: 1. Eggs Egg allergies may trigger breathing problems at any age, though this cause is most commonly seen in young children under five years old. These patients’ immune systems may react to ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, ovomucoid, or any other protein found in egg whites or yolks. Avoiding any food made with egg products could be a solution to your child’s breathing problems. The good news about egg allergies is that they are often outgrown with time. Studies have shown that two thirds of kids with an egg allergy will be able to enjoy eggs without symptoms by the age of five, though patients with a severe allergy may need to wait longer.
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5 Foods That Improve Breathing And Lung Health

5 Foods That Improve Breathing And Lung Health

The symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can be difficult to manage during the winter. Cold air can worsen coughing, wheezing, and chest tightness, and all these symptoms are exhausting to deal with in the busy holiday season. When considering lifestyle changes to better manage the symptoms of COPD and asthma, consider adding these beneficial foods and supplements into your daily diet: 1. Beets and beet greens This root vegetable has many health benefits that reduce inflammation in the body. Those suffering from COPD or asthma can ingest more beets to benefit from the nitrates they contain, improving the way muscles in the respiratory system use calcium. They can also help with blood pressure issues and add flexibility to blood vessels. Beets and beet greens can be incorporated into meals or used in drinks with other fruits and vegetables for those who may not favor the taste. 2. Apples Adding this fruit into the diet is a great way to bring beneficial minerals and vitamins into the body. Those who struggle with managing the symptoms of their breathing disorder can add more apples into their diet to improve lung function. They’re rich in vitamin C and vitamin E and have an abundance of pectin, a fiber that works to prevent disease.
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6 High Cholesterol Foods That Are Super Healthy

6 High Cholesterol Foods That Are Super Healthy

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance that’s made by the body and found in some foods. Too much cholesterol can build up on the artery walls, which can lead to heart attack or stroke. There are two types of cholesterol: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which carries cholesterol from the liver to other parts of the body. High levels of LDL (or “bad” cholesterol”) can build up in arteries, increasing the risk for heart disease. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered “good” cholesterol because it helps remove excess cholesterol from artery walls. Symptoms of high cholesterol include headaches, chest pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty speaking or swallowing. Below are six common high cholesterol foods that are also super healthy: 1. Beans and legumes Legumes are packed with soluble fiber, which can reduce LDL cholesterol. Beans and legumes also contain high amounts of cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber. 2. Avocados Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids and healthy fats that can help lower bad cholesterol levels. This fruit is also full of vitamin C and E, both antioxidants that protect against clogged arteries. Studies show that consuming avocado regularly can significantly increase good cholesterol (HDL) while decreasing the amount of LDL absorbed into the bloodstream by as much as 25 percent!
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